

In engineering and electronics, a feedthrough refers to a component or structure that allows for the passage of signals, energy, or materials from one environment to another, typically through a barrier or boundary. Feedthroughs are commonly used in various applications such as vacuum systems, electrical connections, fluid handling systems, and more.
For example, in vacuum technology, feedthroughs are used to pass electrical signals, cooling fluids, or mechanical components through the vacuum chamber walls without compromising the vacuum seal. In electrical engineering, feedthroughs enable the transmission of signals or power between different parts of a system while maintaining isolation or containment, such as in high-voltage systems or hermetically sealed enclosures.
Feedthroughs come in different designs and configurations depending on the specific application requirements, including materials used, sealing mechanisms, insulation properties, and compatibility with different environmental conditions. They play a crucial role in enabling the functionality and performance of various complex systems across multiple industries.