Glass-to-Metal Sealing
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Glass-to-Metal Sealing
Glass-to-metal sealing are engineered to perform reliably in harsh operating conditions, such as extreme temperatures, moisture, pressure or chemicals. They can also fulfill requirements for longevity, performance, and efficiency improvements, as well as innovative designs. At their core, the purpose of glass-to-metal seals is to enable reliable connection and protection for the manufacture of high quality and long-lasting hermetically sealed components or equipment. Versatility is a key characteristic of glass-to-metal sealing technology. This is demonstrated by the multitude of functions, designs, and sizes of Glss-to-metal seals components in a broad range of applications.

- Hermetically seales
- Vacuum-tight
- Superior longevity
- Extreme temperature resistance
- High pressure resistance
- Chemically robust construction
Types of Glass-to-Metal Seals
- Matched seals
- Compression seals